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03. Files / Folders
File Upload

Creating New Folder

You can create a new folder in the folder currently displayed.
The default settings of a new folder are as follows. Please change the settings as needed.
Term Default Setting
Revision Management Disabled
Folder Actions
Enabled :  Antivirus Check
Disabled :  Create Thumbnail
Update Notification
Publish Onetime URL
Access Control The settings of the parent folder are inherited.
For more information, see “Revision Setting” on revision management, “Action Setting“ on folder actions and “Access Control Setting” on access control.

Step 1
Navigate to the folder where you want to create a new folder. Click “Create Folder”.
Figure in step 1
Step 2
Enter the name of the folder you are creating.
Term Description Example
Folder Name
Enter the name of the folder you are creating.
Folder name must meet the following requirements:
- The length of each folder name must be less than or equal to 256 characters.
- The total length (path + folder name) must be less than or equal to 900 characters.
- Following special characters are prohibited:
    / \ : * ? < > | "
- The identical name with “robots.txt” cannot be specified.
- Names beginning with “.ht” or “.dx” cannot be specified.
Add comment on the folder you are creating.
The length must be less than or equal to 80 characters.
Click “Create New”.

“Stop” aborts folder creation and reverts you to Step 1.

If you enter a character string which dose not satisfy the requirements for folder names and comment, an error message will show in the upper part of the screen shown in Step 2. Type an appropriate name and retry.

Figure in step 2
When the Access Mode is set to "unable to modify action", the comment field is not displayed.
Step 3
The result will appear when the folder is successfully created. If it failed, check the message displayed in “Remark” and then retry. “Back to List” will revert you to Step 1.
Figure in step 3